Beat Scheffold

Working carefully in the studio


The skilled scientific illustrator and modeller well-known for his visualisations of extinct and living vertebrates, invertebrates and plants on display in several museums prepares most of the PALAEOLOVE artwork and modern 3D recontructions.

  • Living and working in Winterthur, Canton Zurich, Switzerland

Curriculum Vitae

  • Born in Winterthur, Canton Zurich, Switzerland
  • Graduate of the Zurich University of the Arts, Switzerland
  • Staff member at the «Office of Archaeology Zurich»
  • Self-employed scientific illustrator for archaeology and palaeontology
  • Staff member at the Palaeontological Institute and Museum, University of Zurich
  • Freelance works for several Museums

Illustrations and 3D Models on Display

  • Palaeontological Museum and Institute, University of Zurich
  • Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ)
  • Nature Museums of Winterthur, St. Gallen, Olten, Basel and Chur
  • Natural History Museum of the Burgergemeinde Bern
  • Zoos of Zurich and Arth Goldau
  • Cantonal Museum of Natural History, Lugano
  • Fossil Museum of Monte San Giorgio, Meride
  • Saurier Museums of Frick and Aathal
  • Naturama Aargau
  • Museum Schinznach
  • State Museum Liechtenstein

Further Readings

  • 2015: Ein Ticinosuchus in der Wohnung [A Ticinosuchus in the flat] (in German) > Winterthurer Jahrbuch 2016
  • 2016: Schöpfer der Dinosaurier [Creator of the dinosaurs] (in German) > Scitec-Media
  • 2018: Urzeit-Fieber [Prehistoric fever] (in German) > Coop Zeitung  [ddownload id=”6401″]

Artistic life reconstructions of fossils are based on profound factual knowledge and imagination. A Personal Statement

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