Winand Brinkmann, PhD

Promotes innovative scientific designs


With research and teaching experiences at the Free University of Berlin, Germany, the University of Zurich and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, both Switzerland, he is responsible for the scientific framework and PALAEOLOVE product marketing.

  • Living in Hittnau, Canton Zurich, Switzerland
  • Working in Zurich, Canton Zurich, Switzerland

Curriculum Vitae

  • Born in Bielefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
  • Insurance apprenticeship and insurance salesman, Bielefeld
  • Studies at the University of Applied Sciences of Bielefeld and Minden (FH Blfd), Design Department, Germany
  • Designer grad., Diploma/Master in Design, FH Blfd
  • Freelancer (graphic, cartoons), Bielefeld
  • Studies at the Free University of Berlin (FUB), Earth Sciences Department, Germany
  • Tutor and Assistant lecturer at the Institute for Palaeontology, FUB
  • Lecturer at the Adult Education Centre of Berlin
  • Diploma/Master in Geology with focus on Palaeontology and Zoology, FUB
  • PhD student and Research associate DFG (German Research Foundation), FUB
  • Doctoral Degree (PhD) in Natural Sciences, FUB
  • Scientific staff member at the Palaeontological Institute and Museum, University of Zurich (UZH), and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ), both Switzerland
  • Assistant lecturer, UZH and ETHZ
  • Postdoctoral research fellow, UZH
  • Researcher (Oberassistent), UZH
  • Postdoctoral lecture qualification (Habilitation), UZH
  • Lecturer/Privatdozent: Venia legendi of the Faculty of Science, UZH
  • Senior researcher funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)
  • Main fields of activity: vertebrate palaeontology, zooarchaeology, domestic animal & wildlife biology, wildlife management


Further Readings

  • 1992: Unasuchus reginae
  • 1992: Theriosuchus ibericus

Pro: the scientific theory of biological evolution. — Contra: creationism and intelligent design. A Personal Statement

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