Animal Potpourri Poster

Animal Potpourri – Size A0

Poster with PALAEOLOVE Logo and illustrations of several fossil and recent invertebrates and vertebrates. Standard poster size and orientation: ISO/DIN A0 portrait.

Other poster sizes on request:

Standard Poster
Width: 84.1 cm
Height: 118.9 cm


32.50 CHF

Delivery time: 1-2 weeks

SKU: 999017


The illustrated taxa are not to scale. The design can be printed in several sizes (see above) and on various materials, e.g., «Matte and Glossy Papers» of different thicknesses, «Matte and Glossy Photographic Papers», «Textile» and «Polypropylene». Surface coating and sealing to visually enhance and protect the products as well as the manufacturing of special posters for outside use are possible. Orders for short runs or a single poster are welcome. We will be only pleased to provide you with an individual quote. Email your needs to:

PALAEOLOVE artwork and art wares are recognizable due to their scientifically accurate visualisation that is accompanied by sound, science-based information. Our products are designed in Switzerland and analogously & digitally handmade in Switzerland and other European countries under the guidance of experts, true to the motto: «Science meets Design»!

The abbreviation «MIO» (= million, after the German national standard DIN 5008) – occasionally found on our goods and product pages to indicate the geological age of fossil taxa – is equivalent to «MYA» (= million years ago).


Depicted Animals

The pictured species are listed below in alphabetical order, first the fossil than the recent ones:

Archaeopteryx lithographica  MEYER, 1861    

Geological age: Late Jurassic, Mesozoic
Systematics: Archaeopterygidae, Aves/Aviale, Theropoda, Saurischia, Dinosauria, Ornithodira, Archosauria, Diapsida, Reptilia
Habitat: coastal, lagoonal; volant

Arietites bucklandi  (SOWERBY, 1816)    

Geological age: Early Jurassic, Mesozoic
Systematics: Arietitidae, Ammonitida, Ammonoidea («Neocephalopoda»), Cephalopoda, Mollusca
Habitat: marine, continental slope; benthic

Dapedium stollorum  HAUFF, 2011    

Geological age: Early Jurassic, Mesozoic
Systematics: Dapediidae, «Semionotiformes», «Holostei», Neopterygii, Actinopterygii, Osteichthyes
Habitat: marine, coastal waters; demersal

Dimetrodon grandis  (CASE, 1907)    

Geological age: Early Permian, Palaeozoic
Systematics: Sphenacodontidae, «Pelycosauria», Synapsida, Reptilia
Habitat: terrestrial; coastal lowlands, flood plains

Hybodus hauffianus  FRAAS, 1895    

Geological age: Early Jurassic, Mesozoic
Systematics: Hybodontidae, Euselachii, «Selachii»/Se­lachimorpha, Elasmobranchii, Chondrichthyes
Habitat: marine, coastal waters; demersal

Rhamphorhynchus muensteri  (GOLDFUSS, 1831)    

Geological age: Late Jurassic, Mesozoic
Systematics: Rhamphorhynchidae, Pterosauria, Ornithodira, Archosauria, Diapsida, Reptilia
Habitat: coastal, lagoonal; volant

Stenopterygius quadriscissus  (QUENSTEDT, 1856)    

Geological age: Early Jurassic, Mesozoic
Systematics: Stenopterygiidae, Ichthyosauria, Diapsida, Reptilia
Habitat: marine; pelagic

Triceratops horridus  (MARSH, 1889)    

Geological age: Late Cretaceous, Mesozoic
Systematics: Ceratopsidae, Ceratopsia, «Margino­cephalia», Ornithischia, Dinosauria, Ornithodira, Archosauria, Diapsida, Reptilia
Habitat: terrestrial; lowlands

Tyrannosaurus rex  OSBORN, 1905    

Geological age: Late Cretaceous, Mesozoic
Systematics: Tyrannosauroidea, Theropoda, Saurischia, Dinosauria, Ornithodira, Archosauria, Diapsida, Reptilia
Habitat: terrestrial; lowlands

Ardea cinerea  LINNAEUS, 1758    

Common names (English • Deutsch • Français • Español): Grey heron • Graureiher oder Fischreiher • Héron cendré • Garza real o airón
Systematics: Ardeidae, Ciconiiformes/Pelecaniformes, Neognathae (= «Carinatae»), Aves
Habitat: terrestrial; volant

Crocodylus niloticus  (LAURENTI, 1768)    

Common names (English • Deutsch • Français • Español): Nile crocodile • Nilkrokodil • Crocodile du Nil • Cocodrilo del Nilo
Systematics: Crocodylidae, Eusuchia, Crocodylia, Crurotarsi, Archosauria, Diapsida, Reptilia
Habitat: amphibious; rivers, lakes, marshes, dams

Equus przewalskii  POLIAKOV, 1881    

Common names (English • Deutsch • Français • Español): Przewalski’s horse or Dzungarian horse • Przewalski-Pferd • Cheval de Przewalski ou cheval de Prjevalski • Caballo de Przewalski, caballo salvaje mongol o takhi
Systematics: Equidae, Perissodactyla, Laurasia­theria, Placentalia, Mammalia
Habitat: terrestrial; steppe and semi-desert

Lacerta agilis  LINNAEUS, 1758    

Common names (English • Deutsch • Français • Español): Sand lizard • Zauneidechse • Lézard des souches • Lagarto ágil
Systematics: Lacertidae, Lacertoidea, Squamata, Lepidosauria, Diapsida, Reptilia
Habitat: terrestrial; open, low-nutrient and warm environments

Latimeria chalumnae  SMITH, 1939    

Common names (English • Deutsch • Français • Español): West Indian Ocean coelacanth or African coelacanth • Komoren-Quastenflosser • Cœlacanthe de l’Ouest de l’océan Indien • Celacanto de Comores o Comorense
Systematics: Latimeriidae, Actinistia = Coelacanthi­formes, «Crossopterygii», Sarcopterygii, Osteichthyes
Habitat: marine, deep water; demersal

Nautilus pompilius  LINNAEUS, 1758    

Common names (English • Deutsch • Français • Español): Chambered nautilus or pearly nautilus • Gemeines Perlboot oder Schiffsboot • Nautilus pompiliusNautilus pompilius
Systematics: Nautilidae, Nautilida, «Nautiloids» («Palcephalopoda»), Cephalopoda, Mollusca
Habitat: marine, continental slope; demersal, planktonic

Papilio machaon  LINNAEUS, 1758    

Common names (English • Deutsch • Français • Español): Old World swallowtail, common yellow swallowtail or swallowtail • Schwalbenschwanz • Machaon ou Grand porte-queue • Macaón
Systematics: Papilionidae, Papilionoidea, Lepidoptera, Insecta, Arthropoda
Habitat: terrestrial; volant

Perca fluviatilis  LINNAEUS, 1758    

Common names (English • Deutsch • Français • Español): European perch, perch, redfin perch, big-scaled redfin, English perch, Eurasian perch, Eurasian river perch or common perch • Flussbarsch, Kretzer oder Egli • Perche commune, perche franche ou perche française • Perca fluviatilis
Systematics: Percidae, Perciformes, Teleostei, Neopterygii, Actinopterygii, Osteichthyes
Habitat: freshwater and brackish; demersal

Struthio camelus  LINNAEUS, 1758    

Common names (English • Deutsch • Français • Español): Ostrich or common ostrich • Afrikanischer Strauss • Autruche d’Afrique • Avestruz
Systematics: Struthionidae, Struthioniformes, Palaeognathae (= «Ratitae» + Tinamiformes), Aves
Habitat: terrestrial; cursorial

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