Lovely Pin in Solid Raw Sterling Silver (fineness 925/1000), mechanically reworked to reveal classic beauty and slight texture. Pin needle with safety closure in Sterling Silver.
incl. 8,1% VAT plus Shipping Costs
Delivery time: 3-4 weeks
SKU: 900501
Length: 3 cm
Width: 1.5 cm
Thickness: 0.2 cm
Weight: 2 g
PALAEOLOVE jewellery is stamped with our jewellery mark «PL» to prove its authenticity. Please contact us by email if you prefer a different material or size or a jewellery of a taxon not yet produced:
PALAEOLOVE artwork and art wares are recognizable due to their scientifically accurate visualisation that is accompanied by sound, science-based information. Our products are designed in Switzerland and analogously & digitally handmade in Switzerland and other European countries under the guidance of experts, true to the motto: «Science meets Design»!
The abbreviation «MIO» (= million, after the German national standard DIN 5008) – occasionally found on our goods and product pages to indicate the geological age of fossil taxa – is equivalent to «MYA» (= million years ago).
The dark-coloured bowhead whale is a filter-feeder inhabiting eutrophic Arctic and sub-Arctic waters during the entire year. The species has the largest mouth of all animals. The filter-feeder system (baleen) in the mouth is used to strain plankton like krill and other crustaceans. The whale is a slow swimmer, can dive up to 40 minutes and uses underwater sounds for communication. Weight: 75 (males) to 100 tons (females). Life span: 150 to 200 years.
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