Ardea Cup


Caffè-Tè Cup (ceramic). The cup is illustrated twice – on front and back – with the same fossil animal and related scientifc information. That is why the cups are equally suitable for right-handers and left-handers! Moreover, they are educational and pedagogically applicable.

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SKU: 901504-2



Height: 10 cm
Diameter: 8.5 cm
Capacity: 300 ml
Weight: 335 g


PALAEOLOVE artwork and art wares are recognizable due to their scientifically accurate visualisation that is accompanied by sound, science-based information. Our products are designed in Switzerland and analogously & digitally handmade in Switzerland and other European countries under the guidance of experts, true to the motto: «Science meets Design»!

The abbreviation «MIO» (= million, after the German national standard DIN 5008) – occasionally found on our goods and product pages to indicate the geological age of fossil taxa – is equivalent to «MYA» (= million years ago).


Depicted Animal

Ardea cinerea  LINNAEUS, 1758
1.9 M    

Common names: (English • Deutsch • Français • Español) - Grey heron • Graureiher oder Fischreiher • Héron cendré • Garza real o airón
Systematics: Ardeidae, Ciconiiformes/Pelecaniformes, Neognathae (= «Carinatae»), Aves
Habitat: terrestrial; volant 

The grey heron is native throughout temperate Europe and Asia as well as in parts of Africa. Its plumage is grey-white, its wings are black. On the head it bears a tuft of black feathers. The grey heron feeds on fish, frogs, insects, small birds, mammals and reptiles. It is a biotope generalist that likes freshwater bodies as well as estuaries and coastal regions. Moreover, it is a hemerophile taxon that increasingly populates urban environments.



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