Für Museen, Ausstellungsräume und ein individuelles Zuhause
For Museums, Showrooms and an individual Home
PALAEOLOVE stellt moderne Ammonoideen-Modelle in Museumsqualität sowie hochwertige, historische Modelle ausgestorbener Wirbeltiere her.
Die Modelle sind in fast jeder Grösse mit naturalistischer Farbgebung sowie zahlreichen künstlerischen Bemalungen produzierbar. Sie können mit Blattsilber und Blattgold oder wertvollen Materialien Ihrer Wahl veredelt werden.
Lampen und Lampenschirme mit Ammonoideen-Modellen (3D- und 2D-Druck) werden in Zusammenarbeit mit > Rost und Gold fabriziert.
Vieles ist möglich. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Ideen!
PALAEOLOVE produces modern ammonoid models in museum quality as well as high-grade, historical models of extinct vertebrates.
The models can be made in almost any size with naturalistic colouring as well as numerous artistic paintings. They can be refined with silver leaf and gold leaf or valuable materials of your choice.
Lamps and lampshades with ammonoid models (3D and 2D printing) are fabricated in cooperation with > Rost und Gold.
Many things are possible. We look forward to your ideas!
PALAEOLOVE fabricates and distributes prime goods of daily use with illustrations of organisms, both fossil & recent, as well as first-grade objects and printings depicting vanished & present life for people who like scientifically accurate morphology and information.
Our Products
Scientifically sound Life Science Articles, Daily Goods and Decorative Objects for Dinosaur Collectors, Fossil Lovers, Wildlife Enthusiasts & Design Aficionados
«Prehistory» actually refers to the human era before recorded history. We use this term by extension for the overwhelming diversified evolution of organisms starting more than three billion years ago. The last some 550 million years thereof are well documented by a huge number of fascinating fossil taxa.
«Neontology» applies to the biology of extant life. We use this term to refer to today’s organisms that are visually not less attractive than the fossil ones.

The saurian on the PALAEOLOVE logo shows a life reconstruction of Ticinosuchus ferox from the Middle Triassic of Switzerland.
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The product range is continously extended and innovatively developed.
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We try to produce it for you: a particular model, jewellery, ceramic, outfit, print, size, colour style, etc.